5 Mar 2012

Why doesn't my heart learns from its mistake?

One of my older creations....Not very beautiful bt still it is mine!!! :)

Why doesn't my heart learns from its mistakes?
How much more it needs to partake?
It has been hurt, it has been torn,
Its feelings has been completely shorn.
But still it believes what people claim.
How can it be so foolish, so lame?

Even after being let down a thousands times,
It still expects people to share.
Even after being brushed aside for every dime,
It expects them to honestly care.
I don't believe why it still accepts their claim.
How can it be so foolish so lame?

But then I recall what was once ingrained,
Those who have faith can only stand again.
It might  be foolish, it might be lame,
But because of its belief, it will never be ashamed.

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